Prepare the ingredients and wash the spinach.
Mashed chicken breast.
Put the chopped chicken puree into a large bowl, knock an egg, then add 2 tablespoons of starch, half tablespoon of cooking wine, half teaspoon of white pepper powder, salt, stir in one direction with chopsticks.
Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add a little salt, pour spinach and cook until the color becomes dark green, remove the spinach from the pot, and immediately put it in cold water to cool.
Cut the spinach into pieces, peel the tomatoes and cut into pieces.
Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the pot, stir in the tomatoes and sauté until the juice comes out.
Add an appropriate amount of water, then add ginger, boil, and cook for 1-2 minutes. Turn to a small fire, put the chicken puree in the left hand to squeeze out the meatballs, use the spoon in the right hand to catch it, and then put it into the pot.
After all the chicken meatballs are put into the pot, turn to high heat, boil the soup, skim off the floating foam, and cook until the chicken meatballs are all floating.
Pour spinach, boil the soup, add salt, turn off the heat, add 1 tablespoon of sesame oil and half tablespoon of white pepper and mix well.